Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Deer Hot Sticks Fat Content

Epilogue cd ... Epilogue

Well, yes.
man after two years of living in a country called India becomes a kind of habit. Reminded me of the story of a English colleague, who after two years returned home, and then boarded the bus and asks you 2 euros for a ticket. He indignantly replied that 2 euro's a slight exaggeration, and began to haggle. Well ... after a while he realized that is at home and nobody is not trying to cut it.
So it is with me.
watching the prices on products. And like you've never been knocked out because they will not (in India struck on each product is the price, therefore, costs the same everywhere). And here in one shop 1.20 zł, in the second 1,50 zł and how not to get lost. Besides
habits such as: do not drink tap water. The restaurant cola without ice. Compulsive hand washing. And it's natural indignation, that something is too expensive and its formal expression. And Taxi. Recently I got up and drove. Well, I realized that this is not India after reaching the purpose of my trip ... as soon as you asked for payment.
There are many things which I can not get enough. Sidewalks and the fact that you can walk over them. People of me coat. No one on me wyłupia eyes. And such wonderful anonymity. I am myself. They have a wonderful feeling ... after 2 years of being part of the Indian street.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back Pain Above Waist On Right

Indian ... Eh ..

And so here is ... after two years without a single month whirled and how will my toxic relationship with India came to an end. It's hard to describe
emotions raging through me to the airport. By the end I was asking myself: "but how well I am doing?" Can it the right decision? and what now? "
scared to return to reality. so real. Normal. usually.
There is nothing to hide, my stay in India is so mixed with a little holiday adventures erasmusowymi (who was, so what I mean.) I worked as a kind of freedom, but the surroundings and the people all this imparted a house and luzacki character.
motorized trips, weekend trips, people, events ... my job and responsibilities, have made my life quite a good masala, which at one point had done in August very intense in flavor.
Despite many attempts to alleviate wszelakimi measures and attempts to convince herself that colored and intensely interesting and interesting to say ... I decided to leave.
Basia and India ... a textbook example of a toxic relationship. At first, love, fascination, infatuation ... and then anger, irritability, fatigue and discouragement. I struggled until the last minute. But sometimes we give up on!
A masala turned on, and Stuffed Cabbage dumplings!)