Monday, May 12, 2008

Good Fabrics For A Long Pencil Skirt

I leave ..... Variables

time to write something so there's no more write a few words about how the bar I met some wonderful people and experienced many unforgettable moments.
But eventually the time comes change and we have to say goodbye to preserving the memory of memories of moments spent together. The world is not black and white, is in many shades of gray, and therefore there is nothing to deceive that they are all wonderful. In fact, everyone has many flaws - but it certainly is not inherently bad as some proclaim. I've met over the last few months I have worked with people from many sides.
former sorrows, she was angry ... But if I had the opportunity to re-election again, I would chose the sadness, anger, nerves. And why? Because I met with them at all is something I zrewanżowało, odstawiło resulted in a corner and I'll always be nice to mention this time last month.
met. .. happy moments, which is worth living.
Hold on: Ma. Lo. Cu. Fi.


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