Thursday, March 25, 2010

What To Do With Sheets After Scabies

Tata Nano goes up in smoke

Nano with only 30.000 thousands of babies in the Indian streets are getting larger raises emotions ... and hence also doing a lot of confusion. Now, another
Nano caught fire. Cause unknown, because surely all cacy and safety tests passed, and somehow high for a small price (taaaaa. .. clear). In the past year has seen three cases of fire, in this one. Apparently they are not linked, because there was some problem with the electrics and there with the engine, which does not change the fact that the Nano still burning. Looking at the number of cars on the roads, the percentage of cases of the burning is quite scary ...

And so a few days ago he left the next brand new Nano from the living room. A few minutes and burst into flames. The media booms. Engineers burn with shame and quickly want to solve the mystery of the mysterious fire.
I recommend not to burn to buy a super duper cheap Nano, wait, to think ... because the vehicles as if they go up in smoke and light the landlord will quickly disappear and the last August with a bucket of cold water or would be in the hands on your head ... Eh
fire on ... More


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