Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lump Of Phlem In The Back Of My Nose

As it is ... in the India?

Last week I had guests from Europe. I managed to take some free and posmigac with them in hot sand Rajahstanu. They excited the cows, pigs, elephants, camels, four persons proofing strength one motorcycle, women sitting across on a motorcycle and often holding the little children on their hands. How easily gets through here and how things are, however, you have to toil in order to bargain for the normal price and not be exposed. Because in one place a bottle of water costs 15 rupees and another 100th Yes yes ... 100 rupees for a bottle of water for the white man !!!!; p

The Indians, like a mile, with a helpful, always smiling ... so with just a pity that sometimes a smile is the intention to extort a little money (not generalizes).

Well, as it is with so much dust around and falls from time to time and with all the cars clean. And so, that every morning you wash. DAILY. This service daily car washing varies around 200-300 rupees per month. On the day goes 6-10 rupees a man with shame does not need to hide the dirty car in Gurgaon August dusting the hey. Who was the one who lived, you know!

no mention of horror when she took them to my favorite restauracyjek (hm. restaurant .. it's probably too big a word). About places where you can eat something and be sure the fresh and not hurt. Poukrywane in the recesses of dhaby, with plastic chairs and plates and eating utensils native of communist regime. Three times they asked me: "You're sure of a safe place ???". Then when they ordered a strange dish for them and making sure dishes 3 times they will not be spicy. They still look at me doubtfully. Food loads on the table. They're terrified. I start to eat. A little rude, but the aim is to encourage them and to convince people of it and with about Eat. Tastes. But too harsh:)

most probably could not get over doing shopping. Slightly almost unaware of the price they bought for as much as they had been told ... because converting to the euro was still around but ... .. but with me not przelewki. And so they called out for the shorts ... a 1250 rupees already draws money ... I am in the laughter. Speech: "No way! Come on!" Even I did not want to haggle. Indus cries: "Ok about 500 rupees." Buddy says ... "Wait a call," I said, 'No way. " Indus cries: "Ok. Take for 350." Kumpel turn away and says ... I call him by the hand and pulled the other way ... "I do not No way. It's still too much. "He looked at me like I was crazy ... ah yes ... guy jumped out of the 1250 and I tell him that 350 is still too much ...
And so in the end we bought pants for 150 rupees. I know that you can calm that was for 100 but the guy sharply in August he held so I gave up.

so fun to see India through the eyes sometimes newbies ...


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