Thursday, April 28, 2011

Cervical Lordosis Cause Arm Pain

I ride, I work, I ride, I'm working - and so all the time. And in each free time either writing or learn to work - for further examinations. And in the exam to the instructor driving technique - examination is scheduled for 14 May. Less time, and I still "in the woods'.

This hurts my head since yesterday, and this is very unusual for me.

So I finish today's entry, and I disappear ...

Saturday, April 23, 2011

Why Was The Deck Of Cards Always In Trouble??


Each year, the second weekend in May, the scouts from many countries, regardless of age and residence, set off on the trail. We also go up
7maja - gather in front of harcówką 10.00.
Take with you the sausage (bread, ketchup, etc.)

JOTT is organized for the young Wolves, White Raven and the Hurricane - waiting for us a lot of attractions.

Inform the parents that are planning to return to the time of 16:00.

Our coordinator has been a bridesmaid Daria - responsible for the hike, game, bonfire and other activities:)

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Merry Christmas! PURCHASE

Let joy fill your homes and hearts:)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Etiquette/milena Velba


I know most of you have collected coins for the purchase of uniforms for the last few months. Counting time has come already - Take a look into their jars - podliczcie their piggy banks and savings scout.

purchase uniforms in front of us - in detail why summarizes our shares. Please
you exactly what I wrote below, trace the in case of errors or concerns immediately contacted me.
wrote out the following not all - but people who are without uniforms (or im missing something to the uniforms) because it was the PURPOSE of our shares.
If someone is not recognized - and should - write as soon as possible.

Action cake SP 8 (160):
coins will be distributed between the following persons:
Casper, Daniel, Patrick, Sebastian, Victor, Gregory, Buguś, Claudia, Angela B., Agnes, Marlena
So 14, 54 per person.

Action cake SP 6 (226.60)
Split to: Sara, Veronica, Veronica, Patrick, Damian, Norbert, Philip, Simon, Angelica, Olivia and
: Michael S. and Emily M.
So after 18.88 per person.

Action cards (437.76)

HS + W (Patrick, Emily, Julia, Michael)
Hurricane 8 persons (the list of bridesmaids Oli)
Tornado 7 people (list of bridesmaids Darya)
White Ravens - not participate
So after: 23.04 zł per person. (zmiana!)

current tariffs are in the tab! Purchase of uniforms!. The persons listed above (taking part in actions) deduct these amounts from your contract.

Anyone who decides to buy a uniform is required to produce written and payments SIZE pieniążków to 7 MAY!
After this date, our team will go into the repository of the contract and we look forward to our scout pack about 2 weeks.

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Notatkowo Briefly ... WORD

Long I was not here, but this is due to many different circumstances, probably in the future will be like.

At work the next "lojalka" to sign - this time the point is that no one went "left" - ie, he took money for additional hours and has paid in the company. So far there was no such control on the part of heads, but no such times. From what I noticed, there are some people who probably will soon pożegnają with the work. Zdawalności have low statistics and also not the best feedback. It seems to me that some time will remain at only the best people (instructors).

while I tidied up the marking of the vehicle, removed the web address and I added the name of the street. According to regulations, driving school should be labeled with the name and address of the center on both sides of the vehicle (the letters at least 6 cm). As head of the saw, he asked why I said - and I would not have zamówiłby the stick itself. Surprised me a little bit, because I always thought that you should not bother just nonsense boss - much less that it took me more than an hour.

balance of today is 1:1. A positive test (kursantka rode really mean), and unfortunately one negative (the kursantka rode a lot better than what has passed.) Generally, in this respect a lot are willing to "prawko" I do not have time to catch your breath let alone 2-3 days off. On the occasion of these festivals it will be possible, but only because of the holidays (which do not care.)

look around behind the camera monitoring driving (such as zamieszone in the link). Will serve as a teaching resource, or the video will fit on a CD / DVD and send kursantowi to see errors, etc, etc. There is plenty. I could use the lectures. At the moment, I tested the recording made of the phone (pretty good work out), cameras (even better, just takes a lot of space.) Is this deviation unions, when, after returning from work at home watching videos with your job?!?

Well, that's it. Today, Easter himself a tuner (I bought because it is made by disabled children - the revenue is for them) - I have a little gift for someone. Nice, right?

And tomorrow I only work 2 hours and up to and including Monday I'm free:))

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Friday, April 15, 2011

Yellow Revolution Speed Helmet


Because I do not have much time to write a standard blotki, I show in my town and parked vehicles exam. Middle of the day, the radio channel until September that at some point in the city test Yaris (obviously not just a person who is reflecting, - why not L on the roof), facing each other on the surface of the pedestrian. Who just parked? WORD administrative employee, director or someone from the examiners.
But no matter who it came. I think we should give a positive example of this particular "institution" as the center for examination of drivers. So it seems to me.

The exam was hit on the surface is turned off immediately "negative." It's on the exam, because as it already has a license, then ...

Thursday, April 14, 2011

Arkham Asylum Changing Language To English


inform you that we have to cancel our action for formal reasons: (
I am very sorry ...

not resign from the purchase of uniforms - this week I give the final price (taking into account our existing commercial share). The holidays will be able to reflect and adjust proportions - and after Christmas, as promised -Will be ordered from the depot.

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How Do You Clean A G-shock

There is new information!

Bringin parental consent for participation in the collection of money. DOWNLOAD

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Period Pains So Bad I Faint

new team!

April 9 near midnight was read out an order appointing White Ravens - Trial scout team!
Bridesmaid Obuchowska Carolina squad was.
team was formed from two hosts, and White Raven Ogników - where bridesmaid and maid of honor Caroline Martyn Święcka were zastępowymi. Today
bridesmaid Martin officially became adjutant of the new team! Thank you
foundation of the team and keep the good work.

but that's not all ...

Today PDH White Ravens organized labor action - selling cakes in the School # 6 and has collected a total of 226.60 zł !

Rustoleum Bare Metal Primer

please do not put posts already:) Welcome to the boards

Good Basketball Sayings For Shirts

Welcome to spring cleaning in the closet:) All things are
new, if it is otherwise it is indicated in the item description
Please leave a comment and confirmation of purchase via email, by signing a nickname from the blog:
shipping according to our pricing
---- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Artemio
alphabet-300szt-7, 5 €
Set-nails-32szt 5zł
-------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------ Package
nitowników FISKARS-3pcs- PLN 30 (used-several times!)
Rivet Set Fiskars-10zł
--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------------
Knife OLFA Compass-to- cutting wheels (used a few times!) with reserves of 5 new blades-19zł

--------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------
Ink Heyda (foiled) 1pc-1, 49zł
Punch Flower No. 12 (2.5 cm-used, sparwny)-7zł (butterflies far in the book)
--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------
Kit Tilda stamps (for self-attachment)-8zł
----------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
; No 1 ,2,3-3zł pozostałe is 2.5 zł

----------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------
No. 1 -7 zł ; No. ZL 2.3 -2.5 No 4,5,6,7 -1.5 zł nr8 -0.5 zł

------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- -----------------------------------
Zestaw "A" Stemple
No 1,4,7,8,11,12-3,5 zł No 2,3,10,14,15,17,19-1,5 zł No. 5, 6 , 9.13, 16, 18, 20 -2zł
-------------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ----------------------
Stemple Świateczne
No 1, 2 -2.5 zł ; No 3,4,5-3zł NR 6, 7,8,9,10,11,12-1zł
--------------------------- -------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------------
set flowers (various ok50szt)-5zł

Monday, April 11, 2011

Diazepam And Migraines

Good luck! I'll stick

our gimnazjalistom Good luck!
We will keep our fingers crossed for the next three days:)

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welcome spring sale


ps. IE browser displays the page fades. In case of problems please inform!


Sunday, April 10, 2011

Baby Oil Gel For Tanning

work (gainful employment share)

before us a final purchase uniforms, which we share through the cake (White Ravens - will organize this Tuesday tasty share) and the share sale of Christmas cards.
Collected money laundering will help reduce the purchase of uniforms for about 10 PLN (for people who are actively engaged in actions).

I know that 10 PLN discount on the purchase of uniform, which can cost up to 200 PLN is not a great thing. Therefore, we organize another opportunity - thanks to which we have a chance to purchase uniforms for us at attractive prices.

Please PDH Hurricane, White Ravens, Tornado and older scouts and rovers to active work. Action is being organized just before Christmas - we will think at this moment, rozplanujcie the work related to preparing for Easter, but can be reconciled with the purchase of work uniforms. Talk about them with their parents.

Here is a working plan for THURSDAY (21 April) and Friday (April 22).

(responsible companion Michael June)
of hours. 10:00 - 15:00
from Hurricane PDH hours. 15:00 - 20:00 White Ravens

(odpowiedzialna druhna Paulina Pytel)
od godz. 10:00-15:00 Tornado
od godz. 15:00 - 20:30 Harcerze starsi i Wędrownicy

Wiem, że powyższe godziny mogą niektórym osobom nie pasować. Dlatego w takich przypadkach kontaktujcie się z Martyną, Karoliną, Olą, Darią, lub mną i będzie można przyjść w innych godzinach. Każda grupa ma do dyspozycji 5 godzin - co nie oznacza, że macie stać przez 5 godzin. Zróbcie sobie grafiki - po godzinę lub dwie.

Zaglądajcie często na stronę - możliwe, że nastąpią zmiany.
Nie mogę się doczekać - kiedy to we all stand together for a commemorative photo in full uniform! :)

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Clothes Bar For Slanted Ceiling

Hare Rally 2011 for us!

check out the gallery:)

hare rally behind us. We can be proud because according to the plot of the game - we were able to free the bunny! Young Wolves won first place in the whole competition of all patrols. Hurricane PDH and patrol the White Ravens zdybyły top positions. Congratulations!

train tickets with each of you has to take 36gr (or the destination for another fee). Daniel
can apply after receiving the entire fee.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Love Doujinshi Pokemon

nice surprise

day something happened, you will not forget for a long time. Namely, the head alone, with free will came to me with the payment (to me, that is how I finished the lecture hall)! It's totally different than before, but most interesting is what else - that I should not get this money, because the driving instructor course cost technique 2500 zł (of which the company was to pay the 500, I-rest for the time being I paid some 500 zł). Previously, we agreed to that, every month I will be gradually repaying this obligation until the boss here today gives me the payment !

He said that this is an investment in staff, which will benefit the company and that your budget will pay for the rest of my obligations and the costs of exams! (Same exams 350 zł). In this way I could get my hand a few stówek, which I did not expect.

However on appeal the exam - so far nothing is known, waiting for a response from the governor.

What Does Belly Button Pain Means

Hi the weekend. Next weekend promises to be busy. Monday will be available new site with a slightly modified structure.

still be possible to sell their trinkets craftowych. On the one hand to develop into the new department notice boards.

Many of you are asking questions why:) As an administrator I ZRDR forced to change. Do not make my issued by you in mind. And the person outsider myśleć.Obawiam may be "good souls" which is not enough in our wonderful online:) I do not want, one day I have the controls like the U.S. because anyone suspect me of a massive sale.

The new site will only provide a place on the "bulletin board". This will be regulated by more detailed regulations.

addition Billboard will exchange, exchange, interesting articles.

will not only reduce the scrapbooking department. Felting, Decoupage, Needlework, Jewelry can also find their place there.

I hope that the new form does not scare you but rather to draw even more people.

biggest annoyance for me was to limit the 100 contributors blogger blog. Now this will not be ... I will not have to delete users as it did before. Anyone will be able to login.

In preparation we first contest with prizes:)

Who can not wait? For sure me:) Dogran few details and we start:)

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Making A Globe Theatre Model

Action Team gainful

ahead gainful long-awaited shares of the team.
coins will be added to pieniążków with previous operations, and for the purchase of uniforms.
It is necessary that people who need uniforms (even if there is something in uniforms) took part in the action.
Action will be carried out several days before Christmas - so be sure to talk with your parents. You'll need their consent.
action can take several days (April 20,21,22), or choose a day - even for a moment please be patient - The term will soon be served.

first Immediately after the collection of money they will be counted and divided.
second Will be given the final cost of the purchase of uniforms (we hope it will be as low as possible.)
third Then we will collect from you if any payment for uniforms and sizes.
4th We will order in the repository "4żywioły.

keep my fingers crossed that everything goes smoothly!
Please check the page often - there will be new information soon (details).

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small change orders

Maybe someone could use:
; ; ; each with 6PLN + Shipping
; dragon zawijasek, rose, flower 2.5 cm, flower after 6PLN? each + shipping
3.naklejki convex:

6PLN + shipping

4th Such variety of trinkets, wooden butterflies, ladybugs, foam, plastic and other ...

; ; 6 zł + shipping

; ; ; after 5 € + shipping
make a comment and mail to papierowa.margaretka @