Monday, April 4, 2011

What To Write To Your Boss For Birthday Card

next przydaśki for sale:)

I have a few things that resold.
Please leave a comment under the post
and a message to the address
and it will give NIKU the blog
and yet again what you want.

Shipping cost pricing by e-Polish + envelope.

first Frames blue
price 4 zł

second Cardboard Frames Magda Lena
price 5.50 zł

third Frameset different
price 9 zł

4th Frames with zawijaskami
price 5 zł

5th Wheels with a frill
price 5 zł

6th A small set of miscellaneous
price 6 zł

7th Set jola_zola
-flowers - small butterflies
openwork butterflies - different
price 5 zł

8th Shells
price 4 zł

9th A set of miscellaneous jola_zola
price 10 zł

10th Beads Magda Lena
price 2 zł

11th Gold metal balls Renata
1.5 zł

12th Crackle beads Magda Lena
price 1.50 zł
13th Square beads Magda Lena
price 1.50 zł

14th Beads Magda Lena
price 1.50 zł

15th Acrylic cubes
price 2 zł

16th Hematite with two holes Renata
price 2.50 zł

17th Silver żmijki + clips thereto Renata
price 4 zł
18th The pouch of silver terminals
about 200 pieces
price 10 zł

19th Swarovski crystals Renata
with hangers
price 16 zł

20th Punch Butterfly Anna Smith
hole drilled in order to better
price 19 zł
21st Punch Anna Smith
price 5 zł

22nd 2 dies Anna Smith
Price 8 zł

23rd Semis + 3 pendants Renata
price 5 zł

24th Beads
price of 1 zł

25th Beads crakle
price 2.50 zł

26th Beads Magda Lena
price 4 zł

27th Beads chaff Magda Lena
price 2.50 zł

28th A set of cables
prices jeweler
4 zł

29th Stamps, "Cinnamon Shops"
each with 9.99 zł
or 18 zł for both. Magda Lena
30th Spite
beetle , And the lemon flower
price 3 zł
31st Rivets
price 1.50 zł
32nd Clasps
price 1.50 zł

33rd Newsletter about creating jewelry Renata
price 4 zł

34th "Braids with colored veins"
price 3 zł

35th Wydrapywanka.
price 3 zł

36th Yoga for busy
price 5 zł
37th Embroidery
to the housing price 15 zł

38th Embroidery
"Ducks" to the housing
price 15 zł

write !!!!!


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