Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Does Porridge Oats Contain Lactose

Small thoughts.

Strange Case of the work behind the bar. Variously
it looks in different places it is true, a little different at the disco, differently in different pub in the cafe ...
However, if i flex quite a long time in one place, it slowly begins to notice regular customers. Begins to listen to them, talk to them, sometimes advise ... At some point you know enough about their lives which sometimes do not know their spouses, children, friends ...
If this happens quite a long time that the situation does not change the staff behind the bar, and by continuing to work non-stop from the same individuals which leads to the knowledge of the exact age is a private co ...
suddenly turns into a place of work as if the House, so where there are no anonymous people where there are only joys and problems, sorrows and happiness of some chwile.Dla is Asylum, a place where they try to look from the perspective of their problems outside of this place. For others it is a place where they can forget about what they bite, some things start from scratch. Some eventually treat this as a wonderful complement to its existence ...
Perhaps for some it is only just another job for which they can not say anything interesting.
But there is a small snag ... A phenomenon that sooner or later every blindside. Jobs in one place where the walls in what came to work do not change, are nonstop same static and the people and change, come and go, it becomes męcząca.Nazywamy is "burning up". Sooner or later We'll get to everyone who stuck too long in one place.
bartender is one "aristocrat of the working class," but at the same time acrobat is a comedian who needs the crowd and praise. Working too long in one spot too much blending in it, fade ... For this contrast between the reminiscence of stability of a continuous movement of customers, sometimes the rotation staff will feel that life is running out to him by the fingers. And he wanted to take it to the knowledge of garsciami.Jescze problems, troubles and worries a great number of regular guests. But usually they come to share the joys and smutkami.Powoduje not a phenomenon of discouragement, burnout, and thus the nerves, conflict ... Therefore, the best of everything is still OK, culturally, preserving the best memories to find myself a new cool place to work where with renewed vigor begins to write the next page in a book called Life.
I started with one and ended up with something quite another ... But the same is true in life: You start with something big plans, you are going through is not modifying them, adjusting and finally often overlooks something quite different than they have to be.

It is important that the end result was that no matter what caused the smile on your face and satisfaction in the heart ...


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