Today "free":)
So today I'm free. How nice it is ... Anyway, last night courtesy of a second bartender sanctuary in which we work or not work was tainted. the first time in a long time we have jump in the number of persons during normal business hours on miasto.Było even interesting ... Potańczyło a little, and powygłupiało pośmiało. Although some remained unsatisfied. But the ending of the hours-long after midnight-was full of interesting events. With just walking instead to call the taxi, we decided to walk and Piechotka podreptalismy toward miaszkania of my friend behind the bar. During the walk I realized that ... - Hmmmm ... brawooo yes! Ms. primarily guessed right and won a set of staples to the pan - the keys to my apartment, I left the club: D It was fortunate that at least I keys to the club. And this way because again I did not want to call the taxi podreptałem (odprowadziwszy naturally first girlfriend) back to the center of the keys. And then slowly already doczłapałem to myself ...
What moral of a fairy tale? Who does not have in mind, this is ... in człapakach. How well that the Sunday party time at my apartment. At least I know that the keys do not forget to drink something: D ehh .......
Oki doki - Day of the movie is good to start. 300 (Spartan) had just finished watching once enty and what strange ... I still like it. Another probably watch the movie for a while. Maybe some comedy to de-stress from life? In the end, when it is to live a life not to stress the ... It is a pity that not everybody understands: /
But that other time, today I have a very good mood in the morning. Now, the jackdaw, and video and then worry about ... If there will be ...
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