Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ward's Nasonia Lab Answers

Living in a place of shit

Note will be brutal.

Many Indus or Induska might be offended, however, my irritability reaches its zenith.
After nearly two years in India, I find that I have officially had enough. In the beginning, and indeed borrowed from India a lot of fun. All seemed to me interesting. Thrilled by the cultural differences. Cultural shock as such did not experience. Exceptionally fast I was able to adapt to prevailing conditions ... Traveled, visited ...
myself ... I thought of how I could get such a kick in it already I will not be able to move.

However, after a longer stay here I think with some things you can not be tamed no matter what. Man, however, expects a certain quality of life for which you used to it. Normal path, and not compacted soil. Normalych traffic jams on the street. People who are not staring at you devouring gaze. Mindless uneducated masses of writhing in the streets like a cow ... Educated part of society cluttering your country (Well, because surely, and so is dirty.) And this is their approach to the white man ... that white women are easy, that you can humiliate and insult them ... and stare, without any behavior jakiekokolwiek moderation. Well, a group of those who have near white people are spinning, in order to raise their status. With such kind of world, cool, cool, extra people ... Oh my God what have they associated with this complex with the color of the skin.

Besides there anything you can not settle. Everything carries on for weeks, because they have time ... or have it in the ass ... zero liability or a serious approach to their duties. System zarzadznia people here do not work. Everyone is doing his and this on top is always right whatever you said. So the rest of the nods and does as the penalty ... or sits and warms stools.

addition of hypersensitivity Indians. How to tell them something that their country is a defeat, it is becoming in the reins and prepared to start the Third World War. And most often those who had not spent a minute outside of their country. Not seeing how to live in a civilized world, and how the world looks like - the largest of foams. Delhijska annoy me with their mentality. Because as I like live in the capital, is the Lord God for heel caught. And yet they do not understand the change begins with a single unit and its relevant behavior. They live as they are already Pasture Magnifying this huge trash. Allowing millions of cows and dogs to walk the streets. Unfortunately, at 1.3 billion such units, it is hard to overcome over what is happening ... and nothing will change. A population growing at an alarming rate ... anything just to escape!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wicker Chairs Baby Shawers

Honorable murder ...

I thought that such things happen in countries strictly muzlumanskich, sunken in some villages, somewhere in the provinces, where time stood at some 200 years ago.

And here please, just around the corner and it is capable of Haryana, in which there came to me to live and work murders of young married couples who were married or August, or express any, against the wishes of the parents desire. It seemed to me that many things, but in northern India, the world is moving a little faster and with arranged marriages is slowly become the past. As it turns out Hinduism with its centuries of tradition nohow sie ma do nowoczesnosci. Nijak sie ma do wolnego wyboru dwojga ludzi, ktorzy pragna spedzic ze soba reszte zycia. Wciaz glos decydujacy maja rodzice. I jak sie okazuje to oni tez decyduja o zyciu i smierci swoich dzieci.
Dla mnie jest to wrecz niemoralne, bo nikt nie ma prawa decydowac o smierci drugiego czlowieka. Tymbardziej niewiarygodny wydaje sie fakt, ze w tym przypadku zycie swoim dzieciom odbieraja sami ojcowie czy bracia.

Wiecej o tym narastajacym problemie tutaj .

Should Bums Have Lumps

What to wobble head?

Wielu obcokrajowcow w pierwszych dniach pobytu w Indiach gubi sie w czasie rozmow z Indusami. Powoduje to wiele niescisloci i nieporozumien. Przyczyna tego tkwi w ich chybotaniu glowa z prawa to the left or, if you will from left to right. Some have a strange habit of the question, instead of clearly answer yes or no, this chybocza his head. It looks like a combination of skiniecia head of her agitation. Generally, the head movement looks like our standard negation with that is linked by some strange dance with the head movement. The neck is stationary ...

And this poor foreigner never know if this is negative or affirmative ... I'm already in the wobbling of their specialized and I started to discriminate positive from przeczacego wobble.
quickly and still wobble means that the person understands. The more vigorous the understanding of the bigger wobble. Quick
a wobble means "yes" or "The Order ".
generally do not know how or want to say NO to wobble is firm and looks like a normal head movement - in the sense negative.

Another theory says that you like the Indus chybocze from left to right is NO, as from right to left is YES ... or vice versa ... p

same happens to me chybotac. Already this does not control for other foreigners are seasoned with loud laughter, d

it is hard to describe this phenomenon. The best to survive on their own skin, and to wonder whether or not you ...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Best Make Tin Foil Boat

irritated ... chill ... Note the gang

Today during lunch, sat and argued how this is no time to pack and change the place ... and waiting for the pizza I realized that the Indians in the world simply irritate me.

first Birthday!

Close to 10 person group seated on the right side of the celebrated birthday of one of her girlfriends. After lunch on the table pulled a small, chocolate cake ... and at this point there is a very standard behavior ... 9tka She pulled the remaining first mobile phones and started to click solenizantce pics ... and then she sliced \u200b\u200bthe cake, take this piece in hand and make another ... yuck! One of the petitioners took another piece, and smeared the girl in the face ... and so here is a scenario takes place every together.

second Why are you staring at me?

Sometimes I feel like Paris Hilton or some other star. I stare, point out fingers! People a little culture! In a normal civilized country if you hang your eyes on someone for more than 2 seconds, or the ends of the observed / and you will approach and ask: "Sorry you have a problem?" or: "Can I help you somehow?" "We know each other?", "Either you get it? Why are you staring at?". Staring is simply not polite. Here, everyone stares. Starting from street sprzedajkow, riksiarzy on people educated and higher classes ending with. Behold, God forbid, white woman on a motorcycle or driving. Recently some I started to shoot one's mouth ... I know they probably just do not understand but I do feel better as I cried!

third Trying to cheat on you all

My "friends", the boys from our corner shop. Virtually every day with them buys something, some primary products, whether Baniak water ... and they have each day trying to cut me a few rupees. Apparently nothing, but the rules do not give. Already more than a year where I live so I know me and like everything is ok But when it comes to the issue of whether the rest of the counts in prices ... always is, "confuse" to your advantage ... not to mention about other stores and shops, where he was a man of everything haggling needs.

4th Silent driving style and driving

are directional, but what it already does not know. Horn ai course. Stuck in traffic, can not move a cm and starts honking of one another. What do I have wings hidden in the car, with the show and will fly it will be able to move a car length. Well, this impediment. Highway, 3 lanes and drive you a Sunday driver with the dizzying speed of 20-30km / h, where? Of course the fast lane of traffic! AGHR!

5th Accent ...

Heh dismisses them as "Tututudududuuutututudududututut" p

For today is the same ... unless 50cio degree heat again, I sat down on the brain:)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Who Cured Staph With Oregano

aranzujacy marriage ...

thing is happening in the state of Uttar Pradesh, a little town whose name may not have remembrance here, and so no one will know. Now, I am confident tired of loneliness 30stoletni electrician decided to pay into the hands of match-Makers (pair firm which focuses on arranging marriages) and a modest rs. 30.000 Shabat find his life. Those specialists gave him a list of women, girls of potential candidates from which he chose Sunita. Sunita, however, turned out to be a boy. Or rather, he probably did not exist Sunita and luke wypelnil this boy. "Bride" was arrested. As it turned out he took part in a similar arrangement of marriages around 18 times. Maybe next time will have more luck! Police looking
uczetnikow Meanwhile, shares good advice for those wishing to marry in Delhi: Seek and ye shall find, but ourselves.
More in the article after ang here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why Can My Stomach Not Expect Veg

With a dedication to those who run away ...

Positive thought for today:

If you think you will fare better if you changed the place and people - very likely mistaken. You have to remember that this journey is always you take yourself. To feel happier with ourselves and others, you must change yourself first. Then there'll be more had to flee. Then everyone around you, and all places where you are, will work positively for you. You will feel part of it.

Pokemon Mmorpg For Mac

Pso-bojni ...

Indians are terribly afraid of dogs! Even those of domesticated and on a leash! It so happens that over the last month puppy looks after year, Labrador mixed with Doberman. It sounds scary, but it just is. The female is a little dangerous as the blend from which it comes out and has a height of 40 cm can ... and that's it! This is crazy, full of energy and not to restrain and it makes a pervasive fear of the present in our neighborhood.

About two weeks ago I foolishly fled and began to chase the same with me. Just in the vicinity was living in our block of 10-ciolatek, who at the sight of her he got the speed, the same I was in shock, and the child can run so fast. Stupid puppy thought that with her playing and started to run after him. Caught up with him, jumped on him and he cries in panic. This here is when I managed to catch me. Apologized baby and made sure that nothing wrong happens to him, with him not chapnela ... because in my life would not have bitten him. I went home. Unluckily, the situations she saw the child's mother. Any-dogs woman as it turned out.
The next day I had done a scene, with how the dog is not to vanish, as it is dangerous that all dogs have disappear from the settlement. Postraszyla some lists. Nagadala August in the Indian style, more than what things are worth, then I for stocikim calmly replied that I apologize and to assure that this will never happen again. I went.
next day at the elevator hangs a notice entitled: "For the dog lovers." I got extra versions of the guards. Who read and threw in their eyes (were a little annoyed.) Anyway, bulleted items in the notice, which had completely at your situation, except: Do not let the dog in the neighborhood. Hull had to be ...
Since then, the peace of mind. The dog is still with me:)

Above all, it happens to me that as I'm in the elevator with Milo nobody else enters. Recently a resident of another district looked at her with such disgust that I asked maliciously and with me: something wrong?
fact Indians are not accustomed to keeping animals in homes. Dogs are afraid, even the nice, small puppies on a leash ... panic. God forbid, as the puppy starts to jump in their direction, or worse, bark! Fear and panic is not to master. End of the world.
I only wonder one thing: why did not they do anything with watachami biegajacymi homeless dogs in the street, which pose a real danger. On the other hand, higher spheres do not know what it means to walk the street so this problem does not affect them. Live with them poorer or less in line ... so there is no one who summon Cerberus to do with their housekeeping. I love dogs, but not the homeless, and rabies, of whom there is no control. And they run, they attack people and spread disease. Such Bea'e for example, the dog attacked her time. Were traveling as a passenger on a motorcycle and a dog for her cast, and managed to bite me. And ended up potad monthly series of rabies injections.