Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wicker Chairs Baby Shawers

Honorable murder ...

I thought that such things happen in countries strictly muzlumanskich, sunken in some villages, somewhere in the provinces, where time stood at some 200 years ago.

And here please, just around the corner and it is capable of Haryana, in which there came to me to live and work murders of young married couples who were married or August, or express any, against the wishes of the parents desire. It seemed to me that many things, but in northern India, the world is moving a little faster and with arranged marriages is slowly become the past. As it turns out Hinduism with its centuries of tradition nohow sie ma do nowoczesnosci. Nijak sie ma do wolnego wyboru dwojga ludzi, ktorzy pragna spedzic ze soba reszte zycia. Wciaz glos decydujacy maja rodzice. I jak sie okazuje to oni tez decyduja o zyciu i smierci swoich dzieci.
Dla mnie jest to wrecz niemoralne, bo nikt nie ma prawa decydowac o smierci drugiego czlowieka. Tymbardziej niewiarygodny wydaje sie fakt, ze w tym przypadku zycie swoim dzieciom odbieraja sami ojcowie czy bracia.

Wiecej o tym narastajacym problemie tutaj .


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