Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ward's Nasonia Lab Answers

Living in a place of shit

Note will be brutal.

Many Indus or Induska might be offended, however, my irritability reaches its zenith.
After nearly two years in India, I find that I have officially had enough. In the beginning, and indeed borrowed from India a lot of fun. All seemed to me interesting. Thrilled by the cultural differences. Cultural shock as such did not experience. Exceptionally fast I was able to adapt to prevailing conditions ... Traveled, visited ...
myself ... I thought of how I could get such a kick in it already I will not be able to move.

However, after a longer stay here I think with some things you can not be tamed no matter what. Man, however, expects a certain quality of life for which you used to it. Normal path, and not compacted soil. Normalych traffic jams on the street. People who are not staring at you devouring gaze. Mindless uneducated masses of writhing in the streets like a cow ... Educated part of society cluttering your country (Well, because surely, and so is dirty.) And this is their approach to the white man ... that white women are easy, that you can humiliate and insult them ... and stare, without any behavior jakiekokolwiek moderation. Well, a group of those who have near white people are spinning, in order to raise their status. With such kind of world, cool, cool, extra people ... Oh my God what have they associated with this complex with the color of the skin.

Besides there anything you can not settle. Everything carries on for weeks, because they have time ... or have it in the ass ... zero liability or a serious approach to their duties. System zarzadznia people here do not work. Everyone is doing his and this on top is always right whatever you said. So the rest of the nods and does as the penalty ... or sits and warms stools.

addition of hypersensitivity Indians. How to tell them something that their country is a defeat, it is becoming in the reins and prepared to start the Third World War. And most often those who had not spent a minute outside of their country. Not seeing how to live in a civilized world, and how the world looks like - the largest of foams. Delhijska annoy me with their mentality. Because as I like live in the capital, is the Lord God for heel caught. And yet they do not understand the change begins with a single unit and its relevant behavior. They live as they are already Pasture Magnifying this huge trash. Allowing millions of cows and dogs to walk the streets. Unfortunately, at 1.3 billion such units, it is hard to overcome over what is happening ... and nothing will change. A population growing at an alarming rate ... anything just to escape!


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