Indians are terribly afraid of dogs! Even those of domesticated and on a leash! It so happens that over the last month puppy looks after year, Labrador mixed with Doberman. It sounds scary, but it just is. The female is a little dangerous as the blend from which it comes out and has a height of 40 cm can ... and that's it! This is crazy, full of energy and not to restrain and it makes a pervasive fear of the present in our neighborhood.
About two weeks ago I foolishly fled and began to chase the same with me. Just in the vicinity was living in our block of 10-ciolatek, who at the sight of her he got the speed, the same I was in shock, and the child can run so fast. Stupid puppy thought that with her playing and started to run after him. Caught up with him, jumped on him and he cries in panic. This here is when I managed to catch me. Apologized baby and made sure that nothing wrong happens to him, with him not chapnela ... because in my life would not have bitten him. I went home. Unluckily, the situations she saw the child's mother. Any-dogs woman as it turned out.
The next day I had done a scene, with how the dog is not to vanish, as it is dangerous that all dogs have disappear from the settlement. Postraszyla some lists. Nagadala August in the Indian style, more than what things are worth, then I for stocikim calmly replied that I apologize and to assure that this will never happen again. I went.
next day at the elevator hangs a notice entitled: "For the dog lovers." I got extra versions of the guards. Who read and threw in their eyes (were a little annoyed.) Anyway, bulleted items in the notice, which had completely at your situation, except: Do not let the dog in the neighborhood. Hull had to be ...
Since then, the peace of mind. The dog is still with me:)
Above all, it happens to me that as I'm in the elevator with Milo nobody else enters. Recently a resident of another district looked at her with such disgust that I asked maliciously and with me: something wrong?
fact Indians are not accustomed to keeping animals in homes. Dogs are afraid, even the nice, small puppies on a leash ... panic. God forbid, as the puppy starts to jump in their direction, or worse, bark! Fear and panic is not to master. End of the world.
I only wonder one thing: why did not they do anything with watachami biegajacymi homeless dogs in the street, which pose a real danger. On the other hand, higher spheres do not know what it means to walk the street so this problem does not affect them. Live with them poorer or less in line ... so there is no one who summon Cerberus to do with their housekeeping. I love dogs, but not the homeless, and rabies, of whom there is no control. And they run, they attack people and spread disease. Such Bea'e for example, the dog attacked her time. Were traveling as a passenger on a motorcycle and a dog for her cast, and managed to bite me. And ended up potad monthly series of rabies injections.
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