Sunday, May 29, 2011

Subclaviansteal Syndromediagram


1. Remember camps organized by our Troop Łukęcin - to go to be reported in Hufcu (St Parish 4). Remember that there is a limit seats - with the decision not to wait until the last minute!

second Please confirm departure for the camp - the adjutant who had previously been reported in Hufcu his udział.Wiem only that the 100% I STAY as a bodyguard goes Ola bridesmaid and maid of honor for the second STAY Daria.
I remember having to deliver the card.

third Please list those who will participate in the celebration of Boy Scouts (1 June) - if your parents agree - letter from the Troop Commander of the educators can get the latest on Tuesday (for pick up at Hufcu - on request!). At this time I know it will be bridesmaid and maid Daria Martin and Michael S.
companion (the list of redundancies are gearing up for Daria and Martyna)

4th Please brief summary and a portion of shares STRAWBERRY . Participants
part I: Patrick, Martin S., Julka, Michael S., Patrick, Paul, Kaja, Martin Ś.
II shares already June 5!
share information about grants - Daria and Kaja.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Brazillian Wax Hemmorhoid

May 22 - Scouts have mastered the water, land and air!

12:00 Tornado havent mastered:) First, we met at the scouting hill, then finally mastered the port and sailed out into deep water! Perhaps you're wondering what are the results of today's competition?
place - Angelica and Claudia! :) Congratulations girls. Later, there was a jiffy
attention and ... unusual surprise:)

17:30 have established a team rambling, which .. first to integrate in the unique "journey" later in an air battle with the water balloons and later in the racing colors.
Our team will work on gaining health service mark. We developed a task schedule, we chose a coordinator and head soon!
were also seeking ... unusual treasure - a surprise:)

remind our older scouts and dwellers of shares paid STRAWBERRY .
Coordinator - Kaja:)
You have two Sundays: 29 May and 5 June for the harvest:) Your scout holiday is possible - it is worth to try and put in some effort.

With me you'll see until June 11 - the day before the Dwarf - Harc.
In the meantime, possible that the collection will take place without me - because Kay and Michael something there for you, get ready:)

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Polish road ... [2]

A1 motorway near Torun.
How to change the condition of Polish roads on the eve of European events? At the moment it is not too good, and the latest news to discontinue work on the A2 highway (I mean the failure of financial contracts by the Chinese corporation) is not optimistic. A so-called benefits of roads is much,
  • relieve the existing road network (1),
  • shorten travel time by up to 1 / 3 (2),
  • savings in fuel consumption by 25-30% ( 3),
  • poprawa jakości środowiska naturalnego - autostrady generują 40% mniej spalin niż zwykłe drogi (4),
  • ośmiokrotne zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa podróży (5). 
Warszawa - Płońsk
1 - wcześniej budowane drogi przebiegają wprost przez wsie, miasteczka i miasta. Z jednej strony generuje to problemy gdyż natężenie ruchu powoduje destrukcję zasad bezpieczeństwa, mieszkańcy narzekają na hałas, spaliny i trudności z włączeniem się do ruchu na główną drogę. On the other hand, the transfer of traffic to the bypass may cause the loss of such outlets, which have so far is from a vein transit.

2 - this point is associated with driving liquidity, lack of need to stop before the sirens, crossings, what is important - more liquidity will drive the lack of psychological "catch-up" after the time wasted in such zakorkowanym city. Unfortunately, there is also such a thing as monotony of driving - which in particular our highways and expressways is making itself felt. Well, the issue of driving skills on such waterways - also remains in the dark sphere for Polish drivers ...
Highway 2011 *

3 - is associated with the point above. Auto at a constant speed uses less fuel than the one that always stops, moves or stands. Naturally, the overall consumption of the vehicle in non-urban conditions is lower (cooling system, clutch, brakes, etc).

4 - since the car burns less fuel, it emits fewer pollutants and - easy.

5 - I do not remember at this moment where they come from the data, the fact is that on the highways is safer, but once something happens - it's usually not a collision and collisions. Something for something - a little more pass before we learn to use these roads.

only question is whether we will have to learn WHAT?


Saturday, May 21, 2011

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FOR HS and W - Sunday hours. 17:30!

Friday, May 20, 2011

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May 22 - celebrate together!

May 22, 2011 year is the centenary of the first to issue an order establishing the scouts.

This is the day where should we be seen. Position descriptions that day in the gg, write on facebook "I'm a scout / I'm a scout, leaving home in the clothes wepnijcie thumbnail lilijki scout or cross, or maybe you just Put on your shirt with the logo of ZHP.

And when you pass someone on the street who will have a visible symbol (just like you) tell him to "keep watch" and remember to smile.

Let us show that ZHP still exists and can be as joyful
hm. Małgorzata Sinica
chief ZHP

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Polymyxin B And Sulfa Allergy

You know that you're too long in India when ...

There is much talk about how a man staying too long in one place is becoming like the locals. Blends. It behaves more or less consciously as they do. Not surprisingly it anymore weird stuff. Does not understand the cheers and delight of visitors it's from Europe. Because surely all these "normal" and has the most sense ...

Below is a list of things providers that may be time to relocate:):) Funny, but serious ...

know that for a long time you're in India when ...
  • stare at people and you do not see anything strange,
  • accept cows walking the streets as a permanent feature of the landscape,
  • eat with relish the local cuisine, while the Indians when they drank a bucket of water (because it surely is not SO SPICY az)
  • start eating tons of raw onion before a meal and can be frustrating if it had not served
  • not ask for cutlery in a restaurant and eat with your hands like it was quite natural,
  • ONLY eat right hand, the
  • during the meal, not paying attention to siorbioacych, making clicking and pierdzacych colleagues,
  • have a feeling that when on a motorcycle Sit down only two people, it is as if someone still barkowalo
  • being in the restaurant you know what you order,
  • know what is the difference between butter chicken, tandoori chicken, chicken masala ....
  • ordering "child beer", "cockubmer" without thinking, not
  • puts you in the stranger's question Confused about whether you are never married / married
  • first question that you ask a newfound whether a person is married or mezata,
  • quite normal thing is an elegant combination of colorful costumes or would be japonkami sandals, buttoned up cotton socks,
  • cotton socks to start a japonek
  • calling the taxi carried you order 2 km
  • have a feeling that no one is looking at you and that you mix with the crowd
  • for every question to which the answer is yes, instead of answer, bujasz head from side to side, holding the stiff necks
  • for every question, to which the answer is NO, instead of the answer, emphatically bujasz head from side to side, holding firmly
  • necks all the time you have an impression that we all want to rip you, and being in Europe, haggle over the price of the ticket, bus driver,
  • go to the upscale bars and clubs in the pool flip-flops,
  • driving by on a motorcycle, you are hit by a bulldozer
  • driving by on a motorcycle, you are hit by a roller
  • and in addition you are able to splash culprit in Hindi, the only
  • your motorcycle accident was caused by the pigs, who suddenly ran out of the way, still
  • you drive a motorcycle
  • no difficulty getting your needs in the toilet "Indian Style", and instead of toilet paper you use water Kubelka ,
  • know the names of at least five actors bolywoodu,
  • annoys you the fact that your apartment a cleaner lady was taken ill on the day and sink a pile of dirty dishes in arrears,
  • haggle in the renowned shopping center on the price of branded t-shirts, because you have impression that it is counterfeiting,
  • coming to the bus stop not only check the timetable of waiting azprzyjedie bus,
  • when your bus pulls up on time, check three times and is certainly a good number and direction,
  • stare at all the foreigners, at least if you were not seen in the lives of white people,
  • shirt for 2 euro seems to be too way, because surely I can buy for $ 1.5
  • not sweat at 50ciu degrees
  • begin to understand the rules of cricket and whether you think it an interesting sport,
  • can replace the names of the players of the national cricket teams of India
  • daily life India not seem to have such a bad thing.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Blue Greco Supreme Nike Shoes


Information for HS + W
persons willing to prepare Dwarf - please Harc coming on Friday in the chair. Search Calendar 17:00. Please confirm your attendance.

collection for you alone will be held normally ( May 22 hours. 16:30).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Woman Streaching Clitoris

holiday soon;)

holiday is coming .. and what is it? Ahead of us the last few rebounds, several activities and a bonfire at the end of the year.
ahead DWARFS-Harc (12 June) annual event that is in the style scout picnic to celebrate Children's Day (previously known as a Picnic Generations). Our team will deal with the Tournament of Families) All persons who wish to help you prepare, please collect interesting ideas for fun and games. This week we will be meeting at which we exchange our ideas and agree a plan of work. I would like to ask

White Ravens, Hurricane and Tornado for active participation in the gnome-Harc - So book your wearing the day - waiting for you to play and fun! :)

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instructor driving techniques - theory test (2)

Broken auto, the result of excessive speed and recklessness.
And again "after" the theoretical test. As previously , it took place in Bydgoszcz Authority Provincial. The mood before the exam were not optimistic because of the previous test and the negative response of the Authority for my appeal to him. After one hour, 11 answer sheets were distributed to us, and after a while cards with questions (40). As already saw it, I looked at the first page to see if there is something I do not know / I do not know - and here is a surprise - there was nothing like this! With a little dose of optimism, so proceeded to solve. After about fifteen minutes, I gave a test (on his writing was 30 minutes) - probably the first. Not seeing not reading again - I gave the idea that what I knew was marked well. I decided not to hold the test with you and combine what would have to change it, in fact - compared to the previous exam questions here were much more evident, "normal" and set out for me - as easy.

After the dissolution test, I knew I got more points than about a month earlier, but did enough to pass? It turned out after an hour, when everything has been checked and converted. At that time, the expectation is tiring, most people will analyze your answers, determine the correct answers. It turned out One question that accurately read (instead of "minimum" saw "can have" - \u200b\u200bI know, there are similar words, but I just noticed it.) As a result, should a tick, but have said abc. It makes no sense, but it is a consequence of an oversight. I was not quite sure the questions in psychology, but the spot is only 1 point, so just for that reason I did not have much stress. Slightly surprised me a question about the category B1, but only temporarily, because the answer was obvious (as anyone familiar with the relevant regulation, of course).

Overall, compared to the previous examination, there were no controversial questions and answers, though I admit - after some of the issues SFE really far. If someone does not know some technical issues of automotive, had trouble. For 90 points, I managed to collect 80 points. To test was positive, you should have at least the 72nd My result is therefore - POSITIVE! At first it did not reach me, the emotions were really big. Overall, the examination of the category B joined about 100 people, according to my assessment of the positive received 30-40 of them.

Now there is nothing else to do but prepare for the driving test:)

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Gay Cruising Blogs-ontario

Whew ... Puzzle

But this time it runs, if someone urging him ... If I have this impression? No, but to things.

1) few weeks ago I wrote that defensive driving is called. ecodriving . That's not true, I do not know why then have combined the two terms. The purpose of defensive driving is primarily to eliminate the risk of accidents / collisions, anticipating the situation, the thinking behind the others, etc.

2) hard preparing for the exam instructor driving techniques. On Saturday I have a theory test, have a huge collection of sample questions that are already solved. I feel a little better prepared than the last, but not the nerves are smaller, on the contrary. Well, more pressure - the amount does not pass the second time this is not a nice feeling. But we'll see. I am leaving tomorrow, I'll be back on Saturday late evening / night.

3) work in my entire "batch" of students, who consider themselves of Robert Kubica. Masssakra. For this they are insolent, rude, cheat, and non-stop go, spin and humbug. It makes no sense. I do not like that. They are extremely resistant to new knowledge. Recently eg a 18-year-old tried to convince me that he had had a habit of shooting a one wheel, and that is this "can not" unlearn. No arguments do not go to him, basically undermines everything I say. I gave him a few days to think over the matter, if not wiser you will need to choose an instructor other than me. Unfortunately, as discussed earlier - such students have the whole "party".

4) kursantka Meanwhile, which I wrote about recently, did not pass the next exam. Internal. On theoretical test had 12 errors for the first time. The second was to them (errors) 15 I note that the questions were 18th The third time has passed, but mostly with the help of others. The internal exam of the ride before it has begun in earnest was negative. Lady could not open the bonnet. After all, you probably give up further attempts to become a driver. For the benefit of other users and the same probably.

I disappear, I have to repeat the psychology and methodology. I'll get back soon:)

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How Long Does A Person Live With Brain Hemorrhage

great stickersy

I have to sell so-called beautiful stickersy convex. puffy, soft, vibrant colors are beautiful
and are slightly glossy, my pictures do not reflect this.
sheet has a dimension of 30x30 price 11 zł / pcs + PP costs
contact izunika

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Price Of Steak And Cheese From Subway

securities, stamps, decorations ... Request

I have a few things to sell, interested persons please email info at: magda.matraszek @ and confirmation purchase in the comments beneath the post.

prices you must add the cost of the parcel, according to PP.
what was:

pink-brown rub-ons, new, 9zł,
green rub-onsy partially used, 6PLN,

pink binding the base for the album 8kart, 5 €,
large oval frame mask, 8zł, BOOKING KATI
set of 2 masks: + crown flourish, 8zł. BOOKING KATI
pink beads embedding 2zł,
black rivets, 2zł, BOOKING PEST
gold-silver rivets, 2zł.

retro set of images, 1zł. BOOKING ZUZA
set nails, 14 pieces, the price of 5 €

set extrusion dies and cutters, the price 48zł,
set of ornaments from felt, 4.50 zł. BOOKING DOMINICA

stamps alphabet: £ 12 BOOKING ZUZA
punches 4pcs muffins (about 5cm each), 20zł
YOU 5zł finish frame.

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Whitehall Light Rowing

And who here takes precedence? It seems obvious? Is this where the colored arrows to meet the situation is clear? The first will go red or black? Driving

almost daily in the direction indicated by black arrow, the green signal is turned right. Of course, I have to brake when approaching vehicles as a red arrow. Familiar with the traffic policeman said that the priority is ... red.

Saran Wrap Waist Size


Hike for us:) We left
new salt and we had to stalking, which led us to Wrociszowa forests. Then we waited
attractions prepared by another bridesmaid host Daria and Tornado. At the end of a fire and roasting sausages. Thank you!

A. White Ravens
Most of you did not choose the size (podaliście only increase as these increases are a few sizes) - need to be supplemented (at Sarah's is ok - has a smaller uniform - for this increase is only one size.)
first Norbert - blouse - 164cm - paid 50 PLN
second Philip - sweatshirt-164cm - paid 50 PLN
third Simon sweatshirt - 170cm - paid 50 PLN
4th Damian sweatshirt-164cm - paid 50 PLN
5th Olivia (Blouse 164/34-36), lily, shorts 164-170/42) - paid 110.27 zł OK
6th Angelica (sweatshirt, lily) 164cm - paid 51.77 zł
7th Sara (sweatshirt, lily) 158cm - 51.77 zł
8th Veronica W. (blouse) 176cm - paid 48.62 zł
9th Veronica B . - (Jersey, lily), 164cm-payment of 51.77 zł
10th Patrick -shirt-164/34-36 - paid 48.62 zł OK
11th Patrick jersey deposit 188/96 67.50 zł
General Payment: 630.32 zł

B. HS + W
first Patrick - (jersey, lily, stripe) 176/42-44 deposit 50zł OK
second Julka - 176/42-44 jersey deposit 45PLN
third Emily - shorts, size: 158cm, payment 17zł

first Daniel (shirt, belt, lily, badge) deposit size 164/88 53zł
second Casper (sweatshirt, lily, badge) size 164/88 deposit 35.32 zł
third Victor (shirt, stripe, lily, belt) 164/104 size payment 75.42 zł OK, corrected
4th Claudia (whole set) size from 150 deposit. 164-170/34, shirt 164/34-36
5th Angelica (jersey, patch, lily), payment Size 146 49.86 zł
General Payment: 363.06 zł


names on which we will be wondering:
- Eskulap
- Elements
- Source
- Enigma
- Circle
- Storm
- On the trail of
- Trop
- Hunters
- Dawn
- Wave
- Storm
- Fire

Monday, May 2, 2011

Trapezius Causing Vertigo

2 MAY 2011 - National Flag Day 2011

At. 11:00 some of us took part in the celebrations at City Hall. Our Hufcowy Fellowship drew a flag in the presence of President Nowa Sol. At
. 11:30 we were playing on the happenings. The whole project is due especially to Asia druhnie Czyżak - thank you! :)