Sunday, May 29, 2011

Subclaviansteal Syndromediagram


1. Remember camps organized by our Troop Łukęcin - to go to be reported in Hufcu (St Parish 4). Remember that there is a limit seats - with the decision not to wait until the last minute!

second Please confirm departure for the camp - the adjutant who had previously been reported in Hufcu his udział.Wiem only that the 100% I STAY as a bodyguard goes Ola bridesmaid and maid of honor for the second STAY Daria.
I remember having to deliver the card.

third Please list those who will participate in the celebration of Boy Scouts (1 June) - if your parents agree - letter from the Troop Commander of the educators can get the latest on Tuesday (for pick up at Hufcu - on request!). At this time I know it will be bridesmaid and maid Daria Martin and Michael S.
companion (the list of redundancies are gearing up for Daria and Martyna)

4th Please brief summary and a portion of shares STRAWBERRY . Participants
part I: Patrick, Martin S., Julka, Michael S., Patrick, Paul, Kaja, Martin Ś.
II shares already June 5!
share information about grants - Daria and Kaja.


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