Sunday, May 22, 2011

Can You Get Birth Control From Walk In Clinic

Polish road ... [2]

A1 motorway near Torun.
How to change the condition of Polish roads on the eve of European events? At the moment it is not too good, and the latest news to discontinue work on the A2 highway (I mean the failure of financial contracts by the Chinese corporation) is not optimistic. A so-called benefits of roads is much,
  • relieve the existing road network (1),
  • shorten travel time by up to 1 / 3 (2),
  • savings in fuel consumption by 25-30% ( 3),
  • poprawa jakości środowiska naturalnego - autostrady generują 40% mniej spalin niż zwykłe drogi (4),
  • ośmiokrotne zwiększenie bezpieczeństwa podróży (5). 
Warszawa - Płońsk
1 - wcześniej budowane drogi przebiegają wprost przez wsie, miasteczka i miasta. Z jednej strony generuje to problemy gdyż natężenie ruchu powoduje destrukcję zasad bezpieczeństwa, mieszkańcy narzekają na hałas, spaliny i trudności z włączeniem się do ruchu na główną drogę. On the other hand, the transfer of traffic to the bypass may cause the loss of such outlets, which have so far is from a vein transit.

2 - this point is associated with driving liquidity, lack of need to stop before the sirens, crossings, what is important - more liquidity will drive the lack of psychological "catch-up" after the time wasted in such zakorkowanym city. Unfortunately, there is also such a thing as monotony of driving - which in particular our highways and expressways is making itself felt. Well, the issue of driving skills on such waterways - also remains in the dark sphere for Polish drivers ...
Highway 2011 *

3 - is associated with the point above. Auto at a constant speed uses less fuel than the one that always stops, moves or stands. Naturally, the overall consumption of the vehicle in non-urban conditions is lower (cooling system, clutch, brakes, etc).

4 - since the car burns less fuel, it emits fewer pollutants and - easy.

5 - I do not remember at this moment where they come from the data, the fact is that on the highways is safer, but once something happens - it's usually not a collision and collisions. Something for something - a little more pass before we learn to use these roads.

only question is whether we will have to learn WHAT?



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