Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Deer Hot Sticks Fat Content

Epilogue cd ... Epilogue

Well, yes.
man after two years of living in a country called India becomes a kind of habit. Reminded me of the story of a English colleague, who after two years returned home, and then boarded the bus and asks you 2 euros for a ticket. He indignantly replied that 2 euro's a slight exaggeration, and began to haggle. Well ... after a while he realized that is at home and nobody is not trying to cut it.
So it is with me.
watching the prices on products. And like you've never been knocked out because they will not (in India struck on each product is the price, therefore, costs the same everywhere). And here in one shop 1.20 zł, in the second 1,50 zł and how not to get lost. Besides
habits such as: do not drink tap water. The restaurant cola without ice. Compulsive hand washing. And it's natural indignation, that something is too expensive and its formal expression. And Taxi. Recently I got up and drove. Well, I realized that this is not India after reaching the purpose of my trip ... as soon as you asked for payment.
There are many things which I can not get enough. Sidewalks and the fact that you can walk over them. People of me coat. No one on me wyłupia eyes. And such wonderful anonymity. I am myself. They have a wonderful feeling ... after 2 years of being part of the Indian street.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Back Pain Above Waist On Right

Indian ... Eh ..

And so here is ... after two years without a single month whirled and how will my toxic relationship with India came to an end. It's hard to describe
emotions raging through me to the airport. By the end I was asking myself: "but how well I am doing?" Can it the right decision? and what now? "
scared to return to reality. so real. Normal. usually.
There is nothing to hide, my stay in India is so mixed with a little holiday adventures erasmusowymi (who was, so what I mean.) I worked as a kind of freedom, but the surroundings and the people all this imparted a house and luzacki character.
motorized trips, weekend trips, people, events ... my job and responsibilities, have made my life quite a good masala, which at one point had done in August very intense in flavor.
Despite many attempts to alleviate wszelakimi measures and attempts to convince herself that colored and intensely interesting and interesting to say ... I decided to leave.
Basia and India ... a textbook example of a toxic relationship. At first, love, fascination, infatuation ... and then anger, irritability, fatigue and discouragement. I struggled until the last minute. But sometimes we give up on!
A masala turned on, and Stuffed Cabbage dumplings!)

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

What Do Cheats Do...gpsphone

Hindus and their geography in connection with the theme of football ...

anecdote from the life ...:

My college: "Born Country is playing in the final?"

Basia: "My Country?" No ... its Spain vs. Netherlands and I am from Poland ",

My college: " yeah ... its Holland vs Spain ... are u happy ? "

Monday, July 19, 2010

What Does Ringworm Look Like When It's Healing Up

My white ...

"We white people, we are rich. Sleep on the money and we have so that everyone can free us to work at a few rupees. We still do not zbiedniejemy from this."

Such belief there is already among the Hindus ...

today I caught my gums on a motorcycle. Somehow dotaszczylam August to the point where not once not twice I fixed me. But, but ... ... and changed the motor unless the new dentka Yamaszki costs rs. 250 is already the price of Bajaj Avenger is growing dramatically to rs. 450! Slightly irritable made a phone call to the previous owner and what it turned out? With no no no! The tire should cost no more than Rs 250-300 max. As it turned out cfaniaki wanted to use the moment when I do not have much choice (for 3 inch nail I did 6 holes) and lower as the posklejac ... Speech ... glue! I will not pay the double rate just because I'm white! But Roufowi but remembered that she has somewhere extra poratowal dentke and me ...

Because the fact that the people who you know in theory still a lot of time trying to ocharatac you. For them, it does not matter to build good relationships and relationships with the customer to re-attract it if necessary. Do not understand the basic principles! Counts here and now! Let pays ... and that's it! And I know somewhere then what is the true price, and there does not come back as me natna!

and ends with the fact that instead of doing their shopping in a local shop and support small businesses prefer to get on a motorcycle or a car and with peace of mind to do the shopping in a market where no one I will not try to cut. And the prices are the same ... so I lose a little business ...

My whites, we are rich ... hehe ... the other hand, if it does not look white people get paid double time rate in comparison to Hindu being on the same position and bearing the same range obligations.
but also white people are employed here often just for the sake of having a white man. With this kind of international business and global. I am working and I am doing a lot and I know I'm here for something. Although sometimes they take me to some meetings where the conversation virtually 100% done in Hindi ... get it at 4te word and I sit and I am "white." Last August a little bet with me to not make sense if there were traveling owam ... I do not participate in the project, but the head of przegadala me that it is good so I knew ... what is happening in the company ... haha ... and again sat and I was "white" and green ... because discussion again in Hindi.
is also puzzling is why so many companies in India take white apprentices, even though a lot to offer them do not have. Placa wasted money, no support, limited responsibilities. Sit up and doing the "white" by entering a company in the international arena ...

Monday, July 5, 2010

Does Any Usb Headset Work On Ps3

Elections & Zila Parishad Panchayat in Gurgaon

For what?

Today most offices, schools and universities were closed, because the strike in India in protest of the fuel target. I had it today, normal day of work, but many people do not even managed to get to the office because the streets poblokowane, put everything upside down. Trucks are blocking roads, traffic jams and generally Sodom and Gomorrah! For a change, I even corresponded, for commuting to work took me 15 mins:)

But but ... I just I got an email from tomorrow free, because they are elections to the Zila Parishad and Panchayat in Gurgaon . I had to lend advice , because the name of a rather intriguing and it turned out that these are elections to the councils and rural communities, whom around Gurgaon at niemiara. So Indians elect a village leaders, and I will be lying around your whole belly-up Tuesday.


Sunday, June 27, 2010

Ward's Nasonia Lab Answers

Living in a place of shit

Note will be brutal.

Many Indus or Induska might be offended, however, my irritability reaches its zenith.
After nearly two years in India, I find that I have officially had enough. In the beginning, and indeed borrowed from India a lot of fun. All seemed to me interesting. Thrilled by the cultural differences. Cultural shock as such did not experience. Exceptionally fast I was able to adapt to prevailing conditions ... Traveled, visited ...
myself ... I thought of how I could get such a kick in it already I will not be able to move.

However, after a longer stay here I think with some things you can not be tamed no matter what. Man, however, expects a certain quality of life for which you used to it. Normal path, and not compacted soil. Normalych traffic jams on the street. People who are not staring at you devouring gaze. Mindless uneducated masses of writhing in the streets like a cow ... Educated part of society cluttering your country (Well, because surely, and so is dirty.) And this is their approach to the white man ... that white women are easy, that you can humiliate and insult them ... and stare, without any behavior jakiekokolwiek moderation. Well, a group of those who have near white people are spinning, in order to raise their status. With such kind of world, cool, cool, extra people ... Oh my God what have they associated with this complex with the color of the skin.

Besides there anything you can not settle. Everything carries on for weeks, because they have time ... or have it in the ass ... zero liability or a serious approach to their duties. System zarzadznia people here do not work. Everyone is doing his and this on top is always right whatever you said. So the rest of the nods and does as the penalty ... or sits and warms stools.

addition of hypersensitivity Indians. How to tell them something that their country is a defeat, it is becoming in the reins and prepared to start the Third World War. And most often those who had not spent a minute outside of their country. Not seeing how to live in a civilized world, and how the world looks like - the largest of foams. Delhijska annoy me with their mentality. Because as I like live in the capital, is the Lord God for heel caught. And yet they do not understand the change begins with a single unit and its relevant behavior. They live as they are already Pasture Magnifying this huge trash. Allowing millions of cows and dogs to walk the streets. Unfortunately, at 1.3 billion such units, it is hard to overcome over what is happening ... and nothing will change. A population growing at an alarming rate ... anything just to escape!

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Wicker Chairs Baby Shawers

Honorable murder ...

I thought that such things happen in countries strictly muzlumanskich, sunken in some villages, somewhere in the provinces, where time stood at some 200 years ago.

And here please, just around the corner and it is capable of Haryana, in which there came to me to live and work murders of young married couples who were married or August, or express any, against the wishes of the parents desire. It seemed to me that many things, but in northern India, the world is moving a little faster and with arranged marriages is slowly become the past. As it turns out Hinduism with its centuries of tradition nohow sie ma do nowoczesnosci. Nijak sie ma do wolnego wyboru dwojga ludzi, ktorzy pragna spedzic ze soba reszte zycia. Wciaz glos decydujacy maja rodzice. I jak sie okazuje to oni tez decyduja o zyciu i smierci swoich dzieci.
Dla mnie jest to wrecz niemoralne, bo nikt nie ma prawa decydowac o smierci drugiego czlowieka. Tymbardziej niewiarygodny wydaje sie fakt, ze w tym przypadku zycie swoim dzieciom odbieraja sami ojcowie czy bracia.

Wiecej o tym narastajacym problemie tutaj .

Should Bums Have Lumps

What to wobble head?

Wielu obcokrajowcow w pierwszych dniach pobytu w Indiach gubi sie w czasie rozmow z Indusami. Powoduje to wiele niescisloci i nieporozumien. Przyczyna tego tkwi w ich chybotaniu glowa z prawa to the left or, if you will from left to right. Some have a strange habit of the question, instead of clearly answer yes or no, this chybocza his head. It looks like a combination of skiniecia head of her agitation. Generally, the head movement looks like our standard negation with that is linked by some strange dance with the head movement. The neck is stationary ...

And this poor foreigner never know if this is negative or affirmative ... I'm already in the wobbling of their specialized and I started to discriminate positive from przeczacego wobble.
quickly and still wobble means that the person understands. The more vigorous the understanding of the bigger wobble. Quick
a wobble means "yes" or "The Order ".
generally do not know how or want to say NO to wobble is firm and looks like a normal head movement - in the sense negative.

Another theory says that you like the Indus chybocze from left to right is NO, as from right to left is YES ... or vice versa ... p

same happens to me chybotac. Already this does not control for other foreigners are seasoned with loud laughter, d

it is hard to describe this phenomenon. The best to survive on their own skin, and to wonder whether or not you ...

Monday, June 21, 2010

Best Make Tin Foil Boat

irritated ... chill ... Note the gang

Today during lunch, sat and argued how this is no time to pack and change the place ... and waiting for the pizza I realized that the Indians in the world simply irritate me.

first Birthday!

Close to 10 person group seated on the right side of the celebrated birthday of one of her girlfriends. After lunch on the table pulled a small, chocolate cake ... and at this point there is a very standard behavior ... 9tka She pulled the remaining first mobile phones and started to click solenizantce pics ... and then she sliced \u200b\u200bthe cake, take this piece in hand and make another ... yuck! One of the petitioners took another piece, and smeared the girl in the face ... and so here is a scenario takes place every together.

second Why are you staring at me?

Sometimes I feel like Paris Hilton or some other star. I stare, point out fingers! People a little culture! In a normal civilized country if you hang your eyes on someone for more than 2 seconds, or the ends of the observed / and you will approach and ask: "Sorry you have a problem?" or: "Can I help you somehow?" "We know each other?", "Either you get it? Why are you staring at?". Staring is simply not polite. Here, everyone stares. Starting from street sprzedajkow, riksiarzy on people educated and higher classes ending with. Behold, God forbid, white woman on a motorcycle or driving. Recently some I started to shoot one's mouth ... I know they probably just do not understand but I do feel better as I cried!

third Trying to cheat on you all

My "friends", the boys from our corner shop. Virtually every day with them buys something, some primary products, whether Baniak water ... and they have each day trying to cut me a few rupees. Apparently nothing, but the rules do not give. Already more than a year where I live so I know me and like everything is ok But when it comes to the issue of whether the rest of the counts in prices ... always is, "confuse" to your advantage ... not to mention about other stores and shops, where he was a man of everything haggling needs.

4th Silent driving style and driving

are directional, but what it already does not know. Horn ai course. Stuck in traffic, can not move a cm and starts honking of one another. What do I have wings hidden in the car, with the show and will fly it will be able to move a car length. Well, this impediment. Highway, 3 lanes and drive you a Sunday driver with the dizzying speed of 20-30km / h, where? Of course the fast lane of traffic! AGHR!

5th Accent ...

Heh dismisses them as "Tututudududuuutututudududututut" p

For today is the same ... unless 50cio degree heat again, I sat down on the brain:)

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Who Cured Staph With Oregano

aranzujacy marriage ...

thing is happening in the state of Uttar Pradesh, a little town whose name may not have remembrance here, and so no one will know. Now, I am confident tired of loneliness 30stoletni electrician decided to pay into the hands of match-Makers (pair firm which focuses on arranging marriages) and a modest rs. 30.000 Shabat find his life. Those specialists gave him a list of women, girls of potential candidates from which he chose Sunita. Sunita, however, turned out to be a boy. Or rather, he probably did not exist Sunita and luke wypelnil this boy. "Bride" was arrested. As it turned out he took part in a similar arrangement of marriages around 18 times. Maybe next time will have more luck! Police looking
uczetnikow Meanwhile, shares good advice for those wishing to marry in Delhi: Seek and ye shall find, but ourselves.
More in the article after ang here

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Why Can My Stomach Not Expect Veg

With a dedication to those who run away ...

Positive thought for today:

If you think you will fare better if you changed the place and people - very likely mistaken. You have to remember that this journey is always you take yourself. To feel happier with ourselves and others, you must change yourself first. Then there'll be more had to flee. Then everyone around you, and all places where you are, will work positively for you. You will feel part of it.

Pokemon Mmorpg For Mac

Pso-bojni ...

Indians are terribly afraid of dogs! Even those of domesticated and on a leash! It so happens that over the last month puppy looks after year, Labrador mixed with Doberman. It sounds scary, but it just is. The female is a little dangerous as the blend from which it comes out and has a height of 40 cm can ... and that's it! This is crazy, full of energy and not to restrain and it makes a pervasive fear of the present in our neighborhood.

About two weeks ago I foolishly fled and began to chase the same with me. Just in the vicinity was living in our block of 10-ciolatek, who at the sight of her he got the speed, the same I was in shock, and the child can run so fast. Stupid puppy thought that with her playing and started to run after him. Caught up with him, jumped on him and he cries in panic. This here is when I managed to catch me. Apologized baby and made sure that nothing wrong happens to him, with him not chapnela ... because in my life would not have bitten him. I went home. Unluckily, the situations she saw the child's mother. Any-dogs woman as it turned out.
The next day I had done a scene, with how the dog is not to vanish, as it is dangerous that all dogs have disappear from the settlement. Postraszyla some lists. Nagadala August in the Indian style, more than what things are worth, then I for stocikim calmly replied that I apologize and to assure that this will never happen again. I went.
next day at the elevator hangs a notice entitled: "For the dog lovers." I got extra versions of the guards. Who read and threw in their eyes (were a little annoyed.) Anyway, bulleted items in the notice, which had completely at your situation, except: Do not let the dog in the neighborhood. Hull had to be ...
Since then, the peace of mind. The dog is still with me:)

Above all, it happens to me that as I'm in the elevator with Milo nobody else enters. Recently a resident of another district looked at her with such disgust that I asked maliciously and with me: something wrong?
fact Indians are not accustomed to keeping animals in homes. Dogs are afraid, even the nice, small puppies on a leash ... panic. God forbid, as the puppy starts to jump in their direction, or worse, bark! Fear and panic is not to master. End of the world.
I only wonder one thing: why did not they do anything with watachami biegajacymi homeless dogs in the street, which pose a real danger. On the other hand, higher spheres do not know what it means to walk the street so this problem does not affect them. Live with them poorer or less in line ... so there is no one who summon Cerberus to do with their housekeeping. I love dogs, but not the homeless, and rabies, of whom there is no control. And they run, they attack people and spread disease. Such Bea'e for example, the dog attacked her time. Were traveling as a passenger on a motorcycle and a dog for her cast, and managed to bite me. And ended up potad monthly series of rabies injections.

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Avery Printable Table Tents

And so bad and so sick ...

with horror to look through the newspaper reports of the Polish weather, with rain, the cold, the slush and ciapa. The sky was gray. Nothing will. Bottle nazawal weather as I am one of my friends. And, surely half toz May ???!!!

A mad heat in Delhi. Were killed yesterday and 47 degrees. And it's not summer as they say ... aghr ... however, I think it's already summer. I thank you. Let the summer will be longer, because the more I can not stand.
Last year in the bone so I could not like it now. Do not know why pochorowalam August and me for 4 days wylozylo. Runny nose, fever, throat ... aghr. No fun as a window of 45 degrees and the nights do not bring relief. Because what a relief as within the limits 1930-1935 frying degrees, because the air so heated frying pan after a day of August in the night can not breathe. I can not attach air-conditioning, because the patient. Fan does not give advice, and so in August fry for days and nights.

So maybe some sort of conversion zarzadzimy for a few days ... to India, a little rain and I will send the heat pouring down from heaven to the Polish ... eh ... Just for the just, monsumowa season already around the corner, and neither the gaze and our hermitage turn into rivers, lakes, seas ... fast-flowing streams. .. because the cunning of the Indians, despite experiencing the same problem every year, or wells, or some have no drainage system. And as it falls into the water is until you evaporate.

for today: It can let the heat pouring down from heaven ... let them evaporate.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Lump Of Phlem In The Back Of My Nose

As it is ... in the India?

Last week I had guests from Europe. I managed to take some free and posmigac with them in hot sand Rajahstanu. They excited the cows, pigs, elephants, camels, four persons proofing strength one motorcycle, women sitting across on a motorcycle and often holding the little children on their hands. How easily gets through here and how things are, however, you have to toil in order to bargain for the normal price and not be exposed. Because in one place a bottle of water costs 15 rupees and another 100th Yes yes ... 100 rupees for a bottle of water for the white man !!!!; p

The Indians, like a mile, with a helpful, always smiling ... so with just a pity that sometimes a smile is the intention to extort a little money (not generalizes).

Well, as it is with so much dust around and falls from time to time and with all the cars clean. And so, that every morning you wash. DAILY. This service daily car washing varies around 200-300 rupees per month. On the day goes 6-10 rupees a man with shame does not need to hide the dirty car in Gurgaon August dusting the hey. Who was the one who lived, you know!

no mention of horror when she took them to my favorite restauracyjek (hm. restaurant .. it's probably too big a word). About places where you can eat something and be sure the fresh and not hurt. Poukrywane in the recesses of dhaby, with plastic chairs and plates and eating utensils native of communist regime. Three times they asked me: "You're sure of a safe place ???". Then when they ordered a strange dish for them and making sure dishes 3 times they will not be spicy. They still look at me doubtfully. Food loads on the table. They're terrified. I start to eat. A little rude, but the aim is to encourage them and to convince people of it and with about Eat. Tastes. But too harsh:)

most probably could not get over doing shopping. Slightly almost unaware of the price they bought for as much as they had been told ... because converting to the euro was still around but ... .. but with me not przelewki. And so they called out for the shorts ... a 1250 rupees already draws money ... I am in the laughter. Speech: "No way! Come on!" Even I did not want to haggle. Indus cries: "Ok about 500 rupees." Buddy says ... "Wait a call," I said, 'No way. " Indus cries: "Ok. Take for 350." Kumpel turn away and says ... I call him by the hand and pulled the other way ... "I do not No way. It's still too much. "He looked at me like I was crazy ... ah yes ... guy jumped out of the 1250 and I tell him that 350 is still too much ...
And so in the end we bought pants for 150 rupees. I know that you can calm that was for 100 but the guy sharply in August he held so I gave up.

so fun to see India through the eyes sometimes newbies ...

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Does Cervical Cryocautery Hurt

But only in India

In the previous post I wrote how incredibly wonderful and one of the Hindu dead itself over the last 70 years without eating or drinking nectar feeding on a wonderful wonderful goddess. Now, after a series of research and analysis, the researchers found that the Indian speaks the truth. It is interesting that brain age 82latka been assessed for 25 years. Unusual Indus is well and udawadnia of human possibilities are limitless. More here.

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Queen Mattress In A Caravan

Such things are only in India ...

The Indian media, appeared a man who swears in August with over 70 years had nothing in my mouth. Apparently his only food is the spiritual energy supplied to him by the goddess through the hole in the palate. Well
cosh ... it feeds some air. Others live love. You can also spiritual energy. Man, a man called Jani, is tested by scientists.
case if confirmed could be a revolution in the solution of problems of starving people.

More on:

Monday, April 26, 2010

How To Get Shiny Starter

lazily lazily ... ... the snooze ...

do not know if it begins to scorch Upal me if I also start to slow India zalazic the skin, but I am doing more and more lazy and zrzedzaca.
I came in Thursday with 3dniowego stay Mumbai. Like
well, because a super city, different climate, sea ... nicely, cleanly and not India. But I admire a lot of not used, because from meeting to meeting and a total of more time spent in the taxi. I managed a bit of tourism, however, and effectiveness to ride on the famous Sea Link, see the Taj Mahal hotel and click the photo at the Gateway of India. Well ... oczywście shopping street shopping is what Barbara loves the most:)
Besides nawciskalam out what is not a measure of local specialties, seafood and read wypocilam good 20 liters of water. The air in Mumbai does not belong to the driest and each output of the taxi, and stay on the outside ended up with this, it looked like I just took a shower. Humidity combined with the heat pouring from the sky just for me and apparently had no effect looked like I had just faint.
So I returned on Thursday. Flight delayed, arrived home around the 22nd Jumped in the car and, along with Diana and Javed joined the group of partygoers who say goodbye, or birthday party. Events following rather not for public use ... but I'm going with. With so on Thursday I'm just thinking. Cleaning is already the second weekend, not to mention a laundry. But the coffee at the other end of Delhi society Karolowym ai nay. The only pity is the toss it to the domestic airport and return to the rule, they continued to me 20 minutes took me 2 hours this time because I'm lost! I closed the one way, they made some detours ... I'm not the one I took what you need and to this day I do not know how and where he found himself. But all in all nice so astray and confuse the unfamiliar as gasoline is in Baku. Exit on Saturday evening on a street of kebab Javed, just around the corner, not doopisania effort. Az ate too much. Return to the home. Sleeping to 2giej at noon. What is cleaning? What laundry?
I have so to this day ... writes an article for the company over the past 6 hours. And all The heat ... because I saw who it 40sci degrees in April?

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Is It Possible To Catch The Flu After A Flu Shot?

My Easter and ...

experienced planner I left the Indians and from the very beginning I warned of the follower. Maybe a bit unnecessary, because as it turned out, our team are planning to tour some bad przekalkuklowala km and we wound up on the route, which fact the highway and fly like a fast and efficient ... but no ... instead of just 240km we did over 400km. In addition, we piknikowcy. Stop at two tablespoons of water and the team in August rozsiadala for coffee and snacks. Stop at rozporostowanie back and ended up with an hour-nasiadowie!

And believe it or not traveling to Mussoorie took us, attention fillip 17 hours !!!!! (Trail by NH1 Panipat, Karnal and Yamuna Nagar to Dehradun-in good condition but dluuuga as access to Mussoorie)

Finding hotel turned out to be easier than expected. Despite the long weekend, the place was not reloaded tourists. And so on Friday we finished showering and bed.

morning we woke up rested and relaxed. Jumped on motorbikes and decided to leave the city and posmigac and wonderfully twisty roads newly built apartments.

After about 30-40 km found ourselves at the trough of the river Yamuna. There also decided odpaczac. What had taken courageous bath. What leniwsi had taken naps.

After nearly an hour relaxing we went to town. There uraczylismy our stomachs local delicacies and golden drink. In the evening, around midnight we decided effectiveness to ride the night in search of famous local spirits. We went to a nearby cemetery.

turned out, however, that it is closed and thanks god it was not how to get there. Amal and Vishal have argued that we should move on, because they know the place where the hotel is haunted. As it turned out The above two spoiled us a plan, because we sprayed holy water in August so the ghost of speech was not. Boys slightly disappointed and I Wielga relief at heart! Came back to the hotel.

Sunday. The morning breakfast. Coby Easter omelet had been done:) And again we went on tour. This time, the major thought and still bearing in mind that circumvent Muzaffar Nagar and Meerut route we have taken a bit quicker! And that was a hit! From Dehradun we went to Saharanpur and through small villages, forests and fields were guided by the Delhi! The route turned out to be amazing. Roads in excellent condition with kilkukilometrowymi rozkopami and repairs, which, however, rather quickly we were able to slip through. There were large sections of holes and the pathless tracts but all that compensate for much longer stretches of beautiful trails. To Delhi we were able to get there after 12 hours many would say "Why so long? Well, as I said at the expedition was a sign of a great picnic. We threw a little too much to play and ended up with this, with a break for a smoke one or two bikers ended it, we all drank coffee and some snacks shamans. But it was nice. Very nice! And every great chance to get away from the hot and dusty Gurgaon and move to the mountains is good ... and even the more!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

What To Do With Sheets After Scabies

Tata Nano goes up in smoke

Nano with only 30.000 thousands of babies in the Indian streets are getting larger raises emotions ... and hence also doing a lot of confusion. Now, another
Nano caught fire. Cause unknown, because surely all cacy and safety tests passed, and somehow high for a small price (taaaaa. .. clear). In the past year has seen three cases of fire, in this one. Apparently they are not linked, because there was some problem with the electrics and there with the engine, which does not change the fact that the Nano still burning. Looking at the number of cars on the roads, the percentage of cases of the burning is quite scary ...

And so a few days ago he left the next brand new Nano from the living room. A few minutes and burst into flames. The media booms. Engineers burn with shame and quickly want to solve the mystery of the mysterious fire.
I recommend not to burn to buy a super duper cheap Nano, wait, to think ... because the vehicles as if they go up in smoke and light the landlord will quickly disappear and the last August with a bucket of cold water or would be in the hands on your head ... Eh
fire on ... More

Example Of A Ot Soap Note

vanished like a stone in water

places in India have a very interesting phenomenon. Every day, even after a half year from the time a man maybe something will surprise. Is it on the street, at home, at work ... or ... on the water.
Now, in the Bay of Bengal who disappeared island of Bangladesh and India have wrangled over the past 30 years. Global warming and the ascending from one year to the level of water settled the case in a natural way. And what was the quarrel so long as mother nature, and so has its own rules?
A more interesting phenomenon here.

Lump Around Lip Pierce

Cause you treat pepper ... Nano Nano Nano

Researchers from institutes of Indian Arm Indian armies in the modern weapon in the form of pepper called "ghost chili." This is the sharpest vegetable in the world, winning all rankings sharpness, will serve to produce tear gas. Paradoxically, the present inhabitants of India, but stomach problems and minimizing the effects of heat ... Details

hm ..
Cos I think that I Sprinkle over the specifiku to today's lunch. Once upon a time so I did not cry at the tasting of local specifikow:)

Diagram Of Stage Three Ovarian Cancer


podkradziony Link to Karolowego blog ... but he's overseas, (rather strange as it sounded ... Charles in the U.S.) so I will not now b, c, d at best and will return ...

Will say about cars. A specialist with me any more briefly and on. Some years ago buzzed about the cheapest in India car in the world - Tata Nano. Because as it will reduce congestion on the roads safer and that will be because people who sit with the three or four of the bike (as below) ...

... too often with whole families, one child passed by the handlebars, the other on his hand in there, and the third holding significant estates between parents ... from the crowd as if all this will change the NANO . Nano on Indian streets already is biking. Positively surprised I have to admit, it looks nice as the car, whom it's equal to the equivalent of air-conditioning in many of the real car. Sa seat, steering wheel, too. Colors too pretty ...

I Nano zawitalo the Polish ... supposed to be for seven thousand ships will be about 16 in the basic version. Indian baby to show up in Poland next year. It has to be a small town by car and reportedly revolutionize our automotive market. More about revolution here.