1) course opened my eyes to many issues with the same drive, but not only - even in training I'm going to use several theoretical issues that were raised during the lecture in Torun. It is indisputable advantage that pay off better training of the future drivers (now the theory for students in A and B have used the messages from the training instructor driving techniques).
2) This what I practiced sliding on the disc often is useful in life, in everyday driving. I did not know many things - from the different turns the wheel of the vehicle such as the possibility of mastering the oversteer. I tried to overcome their own impulses, which are not always desirable in a given time (braking in a bend).
3) Unfortunately, the exchange rate do not feel up to go to the practical test. To the theoretical already preparing - but for practical without additional rides there is no need to go. Please find the path of the sliding plate and practice - because otherwise the exam will surely end up with a result of N.
4) Exams - for now ONLY be held in Bydgoszcz (theory) and Torun (practice). There is no other place where you can pass this exam. Says something about the track at Bemowo in Warsaw, but so far nothing concrete do not know. The theory of costs 100 PLN, 250 PLN practice.
5) exam consists of three tasks - the first required the preparation for a ride and drive between 10-king cones at a speed of not less than 10km/hw specific time (shorten description of tasks - a detective, I refer to regulation - link here ). An easy task - nothing too complicated. Then he draws the two out of three tasks (inhibition in the corner, slide over and under steering, and ride road racing). My greatest difficulty is the braking without ABS. Massakra, you have to do. Under and over the handling quite well, riding road racing without comment (as he told the instructor). Before each task the examiner discussed them and then proceed to execution.
6) Zdawalność - theory rather high, because about 80-90%, practice in different ways - no one wanted to give specific numbers, but draws attention to these braking into a corner - a task often resulting in negative results. So if you do not prepare - I fail - an obvious self-evident.
7) I important issue - to approach this exam do not have to take the course! (today I learned).
Finally, an issue of the day from work - I threw kursantkę of driving to another instructor. The first 10 were with someone else, with someone who has not learned anything. Within 60 minutes the car went out there 20-30 times, female non-stop ride the curbs, sees no traffic lights, other vehicles not to mention pedestrians. "Arc" is also not able, in a word NOTHING. She said she is stressing her new car and instructor, and previously it went pretty well (I suspect by the instructor holding the clutch, etc) , So after 4 hours I gave a proposal not to reject - the phone number to the previous instructor, especially because there "was going so well."
Bo and why bother? :)
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