And so after. Theoretical exam was held at the Provincial Office in Bydgoszcz. At the moment the only place in Poland, where such examinations are conducted. Half an hour before I appeared in a designated room - which was good after all, move in advance (ie before the time 11) were checked the identity of those joining the exam and filled the brief statement that you consent to data processing.
Around 11.30 am began an examination (written test, questions scored differently - from 0 to 3). The category B joined about 80 people. The great hall were poprzesadzani so that from one to the other person, there were 3 vacancies. Earlier, we gave cell phones, and committee members watched, that each worked alone and did not use pre-prepared aid.
As I wrote previously, each had a 40 (same) questions from different departments and 30 minutes to check the answers. After reading the first one, I was filled with the thought: About ho, something starts banging on here - these questions are not anticipated . These questions were among the group of those on the dimensions of the square, sliding panels, angles of opening corners, their maximum, and minimum possible values \u200b\u200b etc etc. I admit that a mistake was that I did not pay sufficient attention to this while preparing to exam. Another thing that the course we were assured that such issues will not.
Unfortunately, the next question was worse because they were even less clear. Sample question:
defensive driving technique is such at:
a) the elimination of 'triangle of death'
b) maintaining appropriate spacing from the preceding vehicle
c) an early signaling maneuvers
do you think that answer is correct? I would add that the "triangle of death" is invisible, blind spot mirrors (especially trucks). My guess is that in this case defensive driving - it's called. eco-driving. And if so, what is to eliminate blind spots, or early knowledge of the principles of eco-drivingu? (Eco-driving is primarily a dynamic ride combined with reduced demand for fuel, anticipation of road situation, taking care of the technical condition of the vehicle, driver awareness, etc). From the viewpoint of driving safety, all three answers are correct, but it was not a department traffic safety a driving technique.
This is just one example, incomprehensible questions. As for me, the style of these questions reminiscent of the exam tests, where you had to know what you mean was asking . After 30 minutes of card with the answers were collected, and after about 2 hours, all were invited to the hall to announce the results. Up could get 90 points to pass should be 80% (72). I did not got this amount of points. There I passed the exam. With 80-plus people joining the exam, obtained a positive result 5 people, and 75 negative. Someone scored a maximum 76 points, and the lowest was probably the 29th
Well, it so far behind. The next test might be in late April, but it's certain.
photo shows a fragment of cool the way the S7 (Warsaw-Radom).
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