Transfer to
Time 9.00 morning, I'm going (to work) for the exam completely by accident. I just went to my estate.
ahead intersection with traffic lights, the numerator of about 30-35 km / h, yellow signal lights up after a while the red. Seeing this, I start to gently restrain, but the test vehicle did not! Just before the siren car stops very abruptly, so that the rear axle moves a little and clearly heard the tires squeal. A woman who a moment before taking the green signal came to pass, as it becomes cemented, and an examination L any brakes.
opens up doors, the examiner and the person taking the change places. Were it not for the intervention of an examiner, surely there would be an accident, but fortunately nothing happened, a guy who wanted to pass will not receive a license - at least as long as this ride.
PS. Case of kursantką done. Today I had her last ride. I have never forgot someone belts. But today, yes - because I could not kursantka fasten it so that is not twisted. So I got out and on its side buttoned belt. Then I was unable to start the car, because as I usually do not shoved coupling. Today she learned to go back (although it's already the seventh hour drive). She asked whether to activate reverse gear should first move the 1,2,3,4,5,6 - and then the reverse? Then wyprzedzaliśmy biker. Of course not looked at whether the back is a free zone, no indicator is also included. So remember, that should do it. What does it do? Overtaking on exit and entry on the far right lane occupied LEFT turn signal. She leaves him so for a long time, even though the vehicle can hear and see the turned signal. At the end of the ride from so-called guide for operating the vehicle. Kursantka engine looks in the trunk, and when I note that you will not find him there, he is struggling to raise the bonnet.
I do not know if that makes any sense. But if he wants ...
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