Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Tiffany Box Christmas Ornament

Ribbons, flowers and punch

1.Wstązki Satin like the pictures and krateczkę, 10mm wide, I have at least a dozen yards of each, satin ribbon 1.1 zł / meter, 0.9 krateczkę zł.

2.Taśma zigzag - quantity as above, 40gr/metr

third Ecru lace. 18 and 22 mm, 1.60 zł / meter. I'm at least a dozen meters.

4.Piórka, a set of 25 pieces as pictured, the colors yellow, green-lime, or a mix of these two colors, 1 zł, I have 10 sets of

5. 38m wide ribbon in navy grille - 1,2 zł / m, several meters withdrawal.

6th Mulberry red roses set 5pcs-2.2 zł, I have 5 sets of

7th Purple flowers, I have 3 sets, set of 5 - 2 zł

8th Alphabet Punch, 49 zł, practically not used, the alphabet of x-cut Rome, such as here http://www.scrapcafe.pl/product.php?id_product=381

PP Shipment price list, please confirm the meil pracowniakartek (at) gmail.com


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