Piękne tulipany już prawie zrobione.
Ustaliliśmy, że Asia dokupi papier i dostarczy do Oli.
Zastępy i Huragan zrobią łodyżki.
HS i W i Pinka spotykają się o 12:00 na naszym rynku/deptaku.
Zastępy determine the starting time and place of zastępowymi!
Thank you for the delicious pastries Olu:)
Publish a list of people going to RALLY rabbit
first Patrick
second Daniel
third Claudia
4th Agnes
5th Casper
6th Joanna
7th Angelika
+ Fabian (filed 31.03.)
white ravens:
8th Damian
9th Angelica
10th Philip
11th Veronica
12th Veronica
13th Norbert
14th Olivia
15th Sara
16th Simon & Patrick
(reported 4.04.)
HS + W
17. Michael S. 18th
Michael Th.
19th Kaja
20th Ola
21st Daria
22nd Asia
23rd Patrick
24th Emily
THAN THOSE OF COURSE THE STORM ALSO travis:) ie PDH hurricane:):)
suggest the following breakdown of patrols:
Patrol I - PDH hurricane - it's obvious:)
Patrol II - The White Ravens + Carolyn + Michael
Patrol III - Tornado + HS + W:)
Please, that you found the above list. In the event of any problems please contact me. Please
Daria to check whether these people have dealt with the contributions and fee paid to the Rally.
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