Sunday, March 13, 2011

‘ikusa Otome Suvia’ Stream

Safe Driving Instructor Lecture

One of the last few days at the end of the week, instead of rides - the same lectures. But what are they? People contact, not afraid to speak, meet and ask - in a word - normally! Not what used to be, because then it was terrible. Such
2-4 people in the group give a lot. And even a boring topic revives itself, I wonder why people are afraid to say anything - especially when they know that even if the firearm is a foolish one of them laughs, not condemned, etc.

In the coming week, so it is preparing an all-day marathon of instruction. I like it, do not even start the car the day:)

But coming up with an instructor theory test driving techniques, so I devote all my free time to learn exactly the same item. Probably March 26 will be sweated over the questions, but it's still not certain.


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